Meeting Intents Detection Based on Ontology for Automatic Email Answerings
IC 2019: Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances
Manon Cassier, #Zied Sellami, #Jean-Pierre Lorré
Productivity thrives when people and software tools can be meaningfully and effectively coordinated. Businesses thus require software that enables practical workflows and application interoperability, as well as communication platforms to increase connections between collaborators. At LINAGORA Labs, we design customized platforms that initiate and support business and personal collaboration by implementing social networking concepts such as synchronous communication and secure data exchange within an enterprise.
As the remote work paradigm becomes the rule rather than the exception, LINAGORA is dedicated to facilitating this shift by developing a complete and efficient platform for collaboration at a distance that seamlessly combines our existing collaboration and productivity tools into a distributed, resilient, and scalable infrastructure. We are also looking to exploit new opportunities which arise during the transition from in-person to online work. For instance, more and more interactions will leave written traces, such as emails, chat messages and video conference transcripts, which can be used to help develop more sophisticated methods of information extraction and synthesis.
In business, collaboration is key: from manufacturing contexts, where production depends on multiple industrial partners and involves complex supply chains, to political and social contexts, where government and non-profit organizations must coordinate on efforts in crisis management. In all contexts, collaboration requires interoperability — the ability of natively independent systems to work in concert effectively without fundamentally modifying their individual structure or behavior. One of many solutions LINAGORA offers is the open-source Petals Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), designed to link heterogeneous services via a workflow engine thereby providing service-level interoperability according to the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) pattern.
IC 2019: Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances
Manon Cassier, #Zied Sellami, #Jean-Pierre Lorré
In: Enterprise Interoperability VIII. Springer, Cham. p. 105-116
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 31 (1): 1-22
Frederick Benaben , Sebastien Truptil, Wenxin Mu, Herve Pingaud, Jihed Touzi, Vatcharaphun Rajsiri, #Jean-Pierre Lorré
Interoperability for enterprise systems and applications (I-ESA)
#Sarah Zribi, #Jean-Pierre Lorré, Tom Jorquera
In: Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
#Sarah Zribi, #Jean-Pierre Lorré, Antonello Calabro, Francesca Lonetti, Eda Marchetti, Tom Jorquera
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (Modelsward)
#Sarah Zribi, #Jean-Pierre Lorré, Antonello Calabro, Francesca Lonetti, Eda Marchetti, Tom Jorquera
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (Modelsward)
#Sarah Zribi, #Jean-Pierre Lorré, Antonello Calabro, Francesca Lonetti, Eda Marchetti, Tom Jorquera
The Journal of Systems and Software 108
#Jean-Pierre Lorré, Nicolas Boissel-Dallier, Fréderick Benaben, Hervé Pingaud
Pro-VE 2015, IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES
#Sarah Zribi, #Jean-Pierre Lorré, Aurélie Montarnal, Frédérick Bénabén, Matthieu Lauras, Michael Bailly
Computing & Communication Technologies – Research, Innovation, and Vision for the Future (RIVF), 2015 IEEE RIVF International Conference
Linh Manh Pham, Alain Tchana, Didier Donsez, Noel De Palma, Vincent Zurczak, Pierre-Yves Gibello
IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing
Linh Manh Pham, Alain Tchana, Didier Donsez, Noel De Palma, Vincent Zurczak, Pierre-Yves Gibello
I-ESA 2014 interoperability for enterprise systems and applications
#Jean-Pierre Lorré, Wenxin Mu, Nicolas Boissel-Dallier, Frédérick Bénaben, Hervé Pingaud
Pro-VE 2013, IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises
#Jean-Pierre Lorré, #Sarah Zribi, Frederick Benaben, Hervé Pingaud
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