Yazid Benazzouz

Autonomic Computing

Yazid Benazzouz received his Ph.D. in 2011 in computer science from the National Graduate Engineering School of Saint-Etienne (EMSE). Since December 2015, he has held the position of research engineer at LINAGORA and has become a regular contributor to the C2NET European project. Previously, he was involved in several European projects such as OUTSMART, MIDAS, BUTLER and CLOUT. He has also participated in the french project BlueSky.


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Intégration de l’assistance vocale dans les produits IoT : cas du projet LinTO

INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision (INFORSID)

#Yoann Houpert, #Sami Benhamiche, #Damien Lainé, #Yazid Benazzouz, #Jean-Pierre Lorré



A Framework for Modern Industry Data Collection

Interoperability for enterprise systems and applications (I-ESA)

#Jean-Pierre Lorré, #Yazid Benazzouz, Carlos Agostinho, S. Ghimire, J. Pereira

#Collaboration Engineering

C2NET Project: Tools for agile collaboration

Interoperability for enterprise systems and applications (I-ESA)

Frédérick Bénaben, Z. Jiang, T. Wang, Jacques Lamothe, Carlos Agostinho, S. Ghimire, R. Melo, #Yazid Benazzouz, #Jean-Pierre Lorré

#Collaboration Engineering